Proven track record

The company began with the arrival of Mr. Bernardo Grobocopatel, who came to America as a farm labor contractor in 1910.

In 1984, his second son, Adolfo, founded Los Grobo Agropecuaria a family business that would finally belong to his four children. By then, they just had five employees, one truck, his offices were located in a garage and they produced 3,500 hectares.

Ten years later, LOS GROBO produced about 70,000 hectares, started incorporating more employees and working in processes, improving the standards and productivity of the company. Therefore, by 2001, they got the ISO 9001.2000 certification, becoming the first extensive crops production company in the world to acquire it.

By then, the siblings chose themselves as partners and together with the founder’s acquiescence started their way to the development of Grupo Los Grobo. Apart from Los Grobo Agropecuaria, they had already launched in Uruguay, associating with a local producer, founding ADP and they were venturing into the industrial division of the group incorporating their first mill in Bahia Blanca city, in Buenos Aires province.

With offices in The Buenos Aires Grain Stock and several branches in different cities of the province they offered assessment services and brokerage businesses.

Throughout the years, LOS GROBO reinforced themselves as great producers, grain storage, and agribusiness service suppliers. Working by processes and aiming at a continuous development, ten years after getting the ISO certificate, the company received the “Premio Nacional a la Calidad”, the highest award an Argentinian company can get as regards integral management.

Along with the experience in Uruguay, the company copied its business model in Paraguay, and a few years later in Brazil, where they would associate with Mitsubishi Corporation and would later sell their shares, tripling their net incomes.

With the objective of keeping on investing in the scientific and technological development of Argentina and the region, in 2003 they incorporated Agrofina to the group, a leader crop protection company, which condenses and formulates valuable crop protection products and has its own research and investigation laboratory.

By the end of 2016, Los Grobo, incorporated Victoria Capital Partners as new shareholders, aiming at the reinforcement of the financial structure of the company, supporting the growth plan, and ensuring their long-term development.

Today, the company has become a modern organization based in innovation, with the presence of different agribusiness areas, integrating in different activities through operational synergies and generating scale economies.

With a strong territorial presence with its distribution of Integrated Service Centers, plants and network of stores, in these past 35 years, the company has been able to expand not only in a global level but also in the complete value chain.

Where we are

Vision, Mission, Values

“We are efficient, flexible, enterprising and trustworthy.” The Grobo Culture