In the middle of the presidential transition process and awaiting definitions of the president-elect on the agricultural policy that he will implement as of December 10, agribusiness entrepreneurs asked that the field “work without ties, with an efficient bureaucracy and virtuous intervention of the State, and in this way the country will find a formidable and inclusive development path”.
In addition, they demanded “clear rules to continue producing and investing,” and for that “more than ever is required of economic growth and state, fiscal, social security, political, and educational reforms, which are fundamental to sustain over time. That growth The reforms must strengthen rights within the framework of the country's dynamics in the 21st century”.
This is how agribusiness leaders said in a document, called "Letter of Buenos Aires", which they wrote after participating in the VIII National Forum of Agribusiness, which organized weeks ago Lide Argentina.
Looking ahead to the beginning of a new government, businessmen were in favor of moving forward with policies that allow producers to generate income stability, which also includes climate insurance, price coverage and credit for the necessary investments. There was also a request to continue with the opening of markets through bilateral agreements with consuming countries, and consolidate the existing ones with the provision of healthy and safe food, together with the stimulation of added value.
In order to continue developing an increasingly sustainable production, businessmen stated: “It is essential to develop institutional mechanisms to ensure the sustainability of productive processes both socially and environmentally, improve the quality of the State so that it makes the necessary controls, the full application of the Law on forests and land management, quality control in phytosanitary applications, etc. they are some of the urgent agenda items”.
Finally, the document contemplates a claim to encourage innovation and dissemination of new technologies to all producers, regardless of their size, location and cultivation. We must spread the full use of the Law of knowledge within the sector and stimulate the use of these new technologies”.
Agribusiness chain meeting
Last Tuesday, in the rural area of Palermo, entities of the agribusiness chain met to continue with the analysis of actions that enhance the development of the country and the consensus of common objectives. The meeting was attended by more than 50 representatives of production entities, federations, associations, process chambers, centers, cereal and commercial exchanges, capital and derivative markets, value chains and other forms of agroindustrial representation of all The national geography.
According to what was published in a statement, at the meeting there was a debate about the challenges and opportunities of the agroindustrial ecosystem at a global level, highlighting the conclusions obtained in the B20 that took place in Argentina, in December last year, and public policy recommendations for the G20.
"Such global challenges and opportunities were associated with the main proposals of the sector at the national level, such as competitiveness, and the need to point to a productive, economic, social and environmentally sustainable system," said representatives of the agribusiness chain.
In addition, it was defined that there will be a new meeting next month at the headquarters of the Buenos Aires Cereal Exchange.
On the other hand, in the last weeks the creation of the “Campo + Ciudad Independent Advisers Movement” was announced, formed by agricultural producers from different parts of the country, who assumed the commitment to work in the control of the agricultural policy that will be implemented next government.
They also reported that on November 23 they will meet in the city of Córdoba, where they will define proposals to present legislators related to the principles of the movement.
“We are not part of a political movement. We are a group of people who defend freedom, Justice, equality before the Law, work culture, progress and federalism, ”said from the new space.
Automatic translation from spanish.