
April 20, 2018
Conference on financing lines and SME law
Yesterday afternoon was held in the Assembly Hall of the Municipal Palace a day for the dissemination of lines of financing and the SME Law.

Employers, professionals and local producers participated as well as the general public that approached in large numbers.

The meeting was organized by the Direction of Production and Local Development, in charge of the Eng. Joaquín Gastañaga and counted on the presence of referents of different entities that exposed on the benefits that govern for entrepreneurs and SMEs.

Guillermo Mendaña, head of the Production House of Trenque Lauquen, which is under the Ministry of Production of the Nation, Santiago Susbielles, official Banking Companies of the Province of Buenos Aires Province of Banco Bice, was present. On behalf of Banco Nación, Andrés Arzu, a zonal reference of the Nación Emprende Program, and Marcelo Ballester, commercial manager of zonal management, gave a presentation. In addition, the meeting was attended by Fernanda Florit, commercial manager of Los Grobo SGR and special mention was made to María José Del Soler, manager of the Banco Provincia branch Pellegrini.

The meeting served to publicize the demands and opportunities for growth in our region as well as to guide local entrepreneurs about the most convenient financing lines for each branch and sector. Accountants also participated, strategic partners of SMEs when it comes to obtaining a loan.

Fuente: La Opinión (Trenque Lauquen, Argentina)

Automatic translation from spanish.

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