
December 26, 2018
Escuelagro presented a management report and its plans for 2019
The experiences in different provinces, the updating of educational contents and the public private commitment were highlighted. It is expected that more companies in the sector will join the initiative.

The Secretary of Government of Agribusiness of the Nation, Luis Miguel Etchevehere, led the presentation of the work balance of the program Escuelagro, axis of the Secretariat of Family Farming, Coordination and Territorial Development, to strengthen the link between education and the productive sector agribusiness in agricultural and rural secondary schools throughout the country.

Etchevehere recalled that "among the objectives of the G-20 is the generation of employment, and undoubtedly food production is among the first.It is a real opportunity we have, so I congratulate the companies that have already signed the Commitment to the Agrarian School and I invite that many more join to train the future professionals of the production ". He added: "We are on this path and we can not stop now, because stopping means backing down, so I invite you to continue promoting this activity".

For his part, the Undersecretary of Family Agriculture and Territorial Development, Felipe Crespo, underlined "the public-private commitment to this project in which we think of the school as a beacon, because it is what dynamizes and transmits the contents of innovation and agricultural technology. I do not doubt that next year there will be many more companies that join this long-term policy, this is a construction between the agroindustry, education and the public sector and it fills us with joy to continue incorporating young people for the production".

Meanwhile, the director of Technological Innovation for small producers and head of the Escuelagro Program, Victoria Zorraquín, stressed that "with this project we want teachers and students to fall in love with the infinite possibilities that agribusiness has and its capacity for constant innovation. technology makes the possibilities infinite, so we deepen what we are doing in Escuelagro with the Commitment to Agricultural Education adding more companies and organizations to help us bring all that innovation to each school.

Zorraquín clarified that "120 companies already signed it and today another 10 are added. In 2019 we have proposed to reach 200 more companies".

The new companies that are committed to the EscuelAgro Project are Chacra Magazine, Grupo Los Grobo, Bodegas San Huberto, Ingersol Argentina, Alochis, NDE Cereales, Rivara, Tomás, Uniporck, SuperWalter and Campo Claro.

During the day, representatives of three companies presented their experiences in this project, exhibitions were also held on the contents of the technological advances of the agroindustry and the renewal of the Manuals of Agricultural Education.

For its part, the company Ruralink made available the Radwin equipment to provide connectivity as a donation for the rural school of Mapis winner of the contest with his work for hydatidosis. This is an action within the rural connectivity table formed with the ENACOM after the e-ducarurales proposal presented in the week of agriculture and food.

In the meeting were the president of Senasa, Ricardo Negri; the Legal and Technical Coordinator of the Agribusiness Secretariat, Martín Galli; the head of the Cabinet of the Ministry of Agribusiness of Buenos Aires, Jorge Srodek; of INET, Judith Schneider; by INTA, Ana Sonsino; of the General Council of Buenosairean Education, Lucía Galarreta; and officials and entrepreneurs of the sector.

The year of Escuelagro

In December 2017, the Workshop on Innovating and Rethinking Agrarian Education was developed, where curricular designs began to be considered. That is why during 2018 the Program collaborated with the New Design of the Agricultural Schools of the Province of Buenos Aires, which was approved by the General Council of Education of the Province.

In this regard, during March, together with the INTA, 13 agricultural education manuals were updated, the last correction of which was more than ten years old, and they were presented at Expoagro.

This year there were experiences of Escuelagro in Charata, Chaco; Tandil and Pehuajó, province of Buenos Aires; Nueva Coneta, Catamarca, and for the first time in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, with two technical schools to bring new trades, thematic and innovative technologies.

As part of the National Agricultural Education Commission, progress is being made and various courses were introduced together with INTA and CREA in the ENFOCO Virtual Platform managed by INET, which is already receiving more than 2,000 teachers throughout the country.

In addition, it is sought to continue with the updating of manuals and contents for each province, taking actions also in order to update the teacher training.

For 2019, the need to continue advancing with the formalization of the Escuelagro Program throughout the country with the Ministries of Education was raised so that innovation in agriculture reaches all schools.

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Automatic translation from spanish.

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