
Reference Testimonials - Textual Extracts
Jorge Arpi (CEO Grupo Los Grobo)
"MAUÁ is the tip of the iceberg of a much more ambitious and profound project whose objective is to integrate all the company's operations in a digital universe."
“At Los Grobo we have the firm commitment to be the best commercial partner of all the business players. We are committing resources and effort to achieve it. We believe that MAUÁ within this effort is a new brick in the wall, especially important, because it has to do with the commercial relationship with our clients, the most important part of the company "
Rafael Rizzo (Los Grobo Group Systems and Processes Manager)
“Two years ago, at Grupo Los Grobo we began a path towards digital transformation not only focused on technology but also on making our processes more efficient. We seriously and sustainably update our infrastructure, communications and management system promoting a space for collaboration, which allows us to have information in real time and from any device "
Ianir Sonis (MAUÁ Project Leader)
“The creator of the Waze app says, 'Fall in love with the problem, not the solution,' and that's what we did at MAUÁ. We put ourselves in the shoes of the producer, and with design thinking exercises, we understood what are the challenges that producers have today in their relationship with Los Grobo and we set out to clean them up. Every screen, every button, every MAUÁ functionality was designed with the producer at the center. It is the first step in a long round map that we have planned. It is the basis that will allow us to introduce Machine Lerning tools, Artificial Intelligence at the service of the producer so that they can make better decisions ”.
Martin Invernizzi (MAUÁ Project Consultant)
“The launch of MAUÁ represents a milestone for the company. It provides 4 fundamental attributes: It is an agile, independent, collaborative and intelligent platform ”.
“These types of platforms learn through use. As we see how they use it, which are the fields that interest them most, we will be able to make the precise information available for each moment in decision-making. We invite you to use it and challenge us. We want to improve that user experience and help them on a day-to-day basis "
Emanuel Bodega Duckwicz (Los Grobo Agropecuaria Production Manager)
“Mauá is a tool that is thought and designed for the daily use of the producer. The idea is that we can have all the relevant information in the palm of our hand so that it can be used at any time and from anywhere ”.
“When we think of MAUÁ, we believe that it is the first outbreak of a forest that, we understand, will have no end. It is and will be a continuous development, in search of the avant-garde in technologies and information of, and for, agriculture ”.
Martin Sackmann Varela (Los Grobo Agropecuaria Commercial Manager)
“The MAUÁ platform will facilitate our commercial relationship, promoting a much more professional link with the Argentine producer. It is the first step towards the digitization of agriculture, seeking greater transparency in the flow of information ”.
"MAUÁ is going to offer us a set of solutions in an integrated and consistent way through different modules: granary account, current account, market, climate, in addition to the modules that are added in successive stages".
Gustavo Grobocopatel
“MAUÁ is projected as a fundamental tool in these turbulent and uncertain times. It is integrated into a technological convergence that includes, in addition to artificial intelligence, machine and Deep Lerning, the internet of things, biotechnology, nanotechnology, robotics, precision agriculture, Block Chain, Fin Tech, E-Commerce and others. so many that they will transform productive ecosystems, organizational culture and life in general. MAUÁ is not going to be alone, nor is it born from a cabbage, but is integrated into all these processes that are going to take place in society ”.
“These changes must also be seen in the context of climate change, water scarcity, and the new relationship with nature. A world with more technology constituting our material environment and in which nature is integrated and in harmony with us ”.
"There will also be changes in consumer habits, renewed roles of the Nation State and its link with others, new ways of life and socialization driven by the pandemic."
“Los Grobo with this launch and all the actions that we have been developing, we want to continue being protagonists, as we have done since our inception. Protagonists of these transformations whose purpose is to improve people's quality of life and happiness ”.
“MAUÁ is a handful of sand, as Yupanqui said, but there are mountains of sand. We continue together, adding value ”.
CONVERSATIONS. Gustavo Grobocopatel with Enrique Iglesias
"The Viscount of Mauá represents the values of the entrepreneurial, innovative business community, involved with development and progress, committed to high human values, not afraid of global competition and integrated into the world from its culture and potential."
"In 1945 the colonial period is left and in 30 years everything is transformed at a tremendous cost: wars, holocaust, Nazism, communism, ideological wars."
“The pace and depth that the technology brings is remarkable. The technological revolution can bring news for better and for worse. Work changes: you have to work fewer hours ”.
“There was a clear leader: USA and now an emerging leader: China. China adopted the market - the best way to grow - accompanied by a spectacular technological advance, but with an authoritarian system. The desirable thing would be that the two great powers have a cooperative dialogue ”.
“It is difficult to see on the planet a region with water, land and potential that nature gave us. Not exploring it is inconceivable. In 2100, demographic power will shift from the Pacific to the Atlantic. We should be able to see it. "
“The European Union-Mercosur treaty is an enormous opportunity for us and also for Europe. See investment landing and from there access other markets. But in Mercosur we are politically disunited and it is negative for the dreams we have ”.
“Argentina has the capacity to change. The dynamics is in its natural resources and in its society that has great talents. The creativity in Argentina is remarkable ”.
Automatic translation from spanish.