
July 01, 2019
Gustavo Grobocopatel: “You have to let some sectors disappear“
The president of the Los Grobo group, Gustavo Grobocopatel, referred to the signing of the agreement between Mercosur and the European Union and said that there is no need to fear the consequences and that "we must allow [economic] sectors to disappear".

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"We must allow sectors to disappear, but the main problem we face is to make many new sectors appear, there must be newer ones than old ones that cease to exist," he said in the Dato data program. it is broadcast by FM Milenium.

According to Grobocopatel, while before adding value to a product meant that it had higher tariffs, without this scaling there will be a market for agroindustrial products and not only agricultural products. "Instead of selling wheat, we are going to be able to sell pasta, instead of crude oil, a tin can with a brand, obviously, if we are competitive," he added.

On the other hand, he said that "Europeans are very happy because they will be able to start selling cheese to the country." If the Argentine dairy industry does not produce quality cheeses at a lower cost than Europeans, yes, it will suffer, but it is also A great challenge for the sector to improve the quality. We have to level up to try to be more and more Europe, not less and less, "he said.

"The most interesting result of this agreement is that it puts the ship in a direction of transformation of the productive system of both blocks.The transformation that we wanted to make, until these agreements were made, was a utopia." One could not produce added value because I had no one to sell these products to, because Europe was as armored to that possibility, "he described.

And he said that if the economy and institutions are not transformed and it is intended to produce products of poor quality, more expensive, in a closed economy, "we are in the oven".

"In the set, this agreement is very important because it puts a deadline to the productive transformation of Argentina.The fact of having a certainty and where we are going will also encourage more investment in the country," he concluded.

Automatic translation from spanish.

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