A few days ago, he presented for the first time in Argentina the study of media reputation carried out by Mainmedia, a company headed by consultant and Spanish professor Paul Capriotti. According to its presentation, its product called Mediascan is a sectorial monitoring of media reputation. It is a scientific model, which uses a methodology based on a set of scientific theories that analyze the influence of the media on public opinion. This method allows to complement and expand the traditional media monitoring.
Of the 14 sectors analyzed, the Technological and the Automotive obtained a better media reputation. Coincidentally, the first three positions in the ranking of the 100 companies analyzed are occupied by Microsoft, Google and Samsung respectively.
According to Capriotti, "media reputation is the way in which a subject (organization, brand or person) is presented by the media to its different stakeholders through media coverage and treatment in the news."
This benchmark of media reputation involved an interpretive, comparative and exhaustive analysis of 100 leading companies that make up the 14 key sectors of the economy in 10 of the main Argentine media in their online format.
The leaders of each category are:
Agropecuario: Los Grobo
Automotive: Volskwagen
Banking: BBVA Francés
Food / Beverages: FEMSA
Tanker: YPF
Pharmacist: GSK
Chemical: Rizobacter
Retail: Makro
Telephony: Telephone
Steel industry: Aluar
Technology: Microsoft
Insurance: Sancor
Perfumery / cosmetics: Unilever
Public services: Gas Natural Fenosa
Among the indicators of media reputation measurement, the study contains the protagonism, the share of voice, the notoriety, the favorability, the positioning and the level of media reputation of each brand.
Likewise, the research allows to make thematic cuts and identify how the behavior of the brands is in different topics in which they are involved. In this sense, the CSR area was announced where the three leading companies are: GSK, DOW and Microsoft.
This study, which combines media clipping, human analysis of information and proprietary software for the management of media information, allows us to analyze with a scientific basis how discourse is constructed (understood not only by what it says and does but for the journalistic interpretation) of a brand in the media scenario, one of the most desired by companies.
Published by: Revista Mercado