The CEO and founder of Mercado Libre, Marcos Galperin, has several reasons to celebrate. On the one hand, his company, whose valuation is around US $ 27,000 million, turned 20 years old. In the ranking of Merco companies, in addition, it jumped from 13th place to 2nd and Galperin himself was first among the most reputable entrepreneurs in Argentina. A great achievement, since it displaced from that place nothing less than Luis Pagani, CEO and president of Arcor, the Cordoba businessman who led the ranking for 9 consecutive years.
This year's podium is completed by Toyota CEO Daniel Herrero. Behind are Martín Migoya (Globant), Gustavo Grobocopatel (Grupo Los Grobo), Miguel Kozuszok (Unilever), Paolo Rocca (Techint), Gregorio Pérez Companc (Molinos), Eduardo Costantini (Consultatio) and Isela Costantini (Grupo SF).
Unlike the ranking of companies, in the evaluation of business leaders, the opinions of two stakeholders are especially important: communication directors and economic information journalists. In the first stakeholder, the top five is made up of Galperin, Herrero, Pagani, Migoya and Facundo Manes. Among the journalists lead Grobocopatel, Galperin, Rocca, Pagani and Jorge Brito.
The winners of this category were voted by executives of companies that invoice more than US $ 30 million who evaluated the weaknesses and strengths of each leader according to 14 variables. Among them, the strategic vision and the fulfillment of objectives, the commercial perspective, talent, international projection and its characteristics as a good communicator and innovator.
Argentina, as Merco's promoters explain, has very particular characteristics. The number of women compared to last year grew (from 4 to 7), but the female presence is scarce. In other countries the same thing happens, but not in such a pronounced way. This year, the outgoing fact is that Isela Costantini entered the 10th place, that is, in the avant-garde lot. Also included are Adriana Noreña (Google), Rosario Algelt (Latam Airlines), Evangelina Suárez (Coca-Cola), Fabricia DeGiovanni (Facebook), Claudia Boeri (SAP), Silvia Gold (Insud Group).
In this ranking, the ups and downs are much more pronounced. There are particular cases, such as the current Google CEO, Pablo Beramendi and his predecessor, Federico Procaccini. The first climbed 81 positions compared to last year, to move from 92 ° to 11th place. Procaccini, today CEO of Openbank (the digital bank of Santander Río), fell from 8th place to 65. "The CEO and the company usually have links," they say from Merco.
In order of appearance in the current ranking, the strongest increases were those of Sergio Kaufman (Accenture), Fabian Kon (Banco Galicia), Roberto Souviron (Despegar), Carlos Lisboa (Quilmes), Juan Garibaldi (Danone), Agustín Beccar Varela (Walmart), Mariano Perotti (Danone), Daniel González (YPF) and the head of the UIA, Miguel Acevedo (AGD).
The deepest falls were those of Federico Braun (The Anonymous), Marcio Froes (Quilmes), Enrique Seeber (American Express), Fabricia DeGiovanni (Facebook), Agustín Llanos (Molinos Río de la Plata) and Francisco Crespo (Grupo Codere).