When asked if the government of Mauricio Macri had done well to open the market and liberalize the prices of the economy, he supported the current management: "There were mistakes, but conceptually progress and the fight against poverty is linked to facilitate flows capital, knowledge and goods and services.The more flows there are of return and return -because you have to import and export- more progress there is".
When asked about the trade imbalance, he acknowledged that increasing exports is "a great difficulty". According to him, there are not enough efforts in that sense. "Just as there is a concern about the deficit, we should have equal concern and equal coordination to try to export more," he said.
He clarified that he believes that the appointment of Dante Sica as Minister of Production will improve this situation because he is a specialist who has worked on these issues.
Grobocopatel spoke of the challenge of industrializing the products that are exported. If this failed, he believes that it is because for decades he extracted money from the agricultural sector and, if that happens, according to his criteria, there is no saving and there is no investment. "When we think that we have to be the supermarket in the world or, as Cristina said, to industrialize rurality, that can be done if we have open markets, Argentina, and Brazil too, are among the most closed in the world," he said. He added: "So, on the one hand we want to industrialize and we think that is the panacea and, on the other hand, we do not take the policy measures to make that happen".
He said: "Luckily, China demands what we produce, not only China, but Europe and the rest of the world, so we have something to sell, we are important in something, but there you do not solve the problem. value, diversify, etc.".
On the news that Argentina is considered an emerging market, said: "For more than it is like a conditional freedom, it is great news because there are many funds in the world that invest if you are emerging but not if you are border." And he ventured: "Surely they will bring more investments".
Published by: Diario La Nación
Automatic translation from spanish.