On October 31, LIDE Argentina held the eighth edition of the National Agribusiness Forum, during which topics relevant to the sector were presented. "Agro is a strategic axis for the development of our country," said Gabriel Delgado during the VIII Forum. Also present was Jorge Neme, both considered possible members of the Agriculture team as of December 10.
Rodolfo de Felipe, President of LIDE Argentina, kicked off the event, saying: "This Forum invites us to discuss the future of the sector that constitutes a key piece for the country."

For his part, Gustavo Grobocopatel, President of LIDE Agribusiness, commented: “Today we have huge challenges that have to be understood in a global and regional framework. Argentina suffers from lack of growth, and if there is no growth, there is no chance of anything. ”
Gabriel Delgado began his presentation by stating that the problem of poverty suffered by our country "is mainly due to a productive structure that permanently demands more dollars than it can produce." And he continued: "Agriculture is a strategic axis for the development of the Nation, and it is precisely what we should aspire to no matter what the Government of the day."
"Our country has been the laboratory of macroeconomic policies with the results we all appreciate, but what comes from here on in relation to agricultural policy is different," he said.
For his part, Jorge Neme, putting the current situation in context, said that “since the mid-1970s, the entire Argentine production system, including agriculture, has lost relevance in the hands of financial speculation, and what the country it needs is to increase the levels of investment in its productive system ”. He added: “It is essential that the State has an active role in the process. If the State does not stimulate and does not invest, it is difficult for the private sector to do so. Public-private articulation is one of the keys to Argentina's possible future, ”he concluded.
The first panel presented a powerful round table that presented on “The requirements to compete and win in global agribusiness markets”.
Marisa Bircher, Secretary of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Production and Labor of the Nation, stated that, during her administration, “the growth of exports of the agro-industrial sector was intense, but we believe that we must continue working with the markets of Southeast Asia and incentivize our competitiveness ”.
On the other hand, Pablo Paladini, Director of Paladini Refrigerator, put on the table a short-term issue: “Our value chain needs investments, and the conditions are not present today. The activity we develop includes many SMEs for which credit is inaccessible. ”
In line with what was expressed by Bircher, Gustavo Idigoras, President of the Chamber of the Oil Industry of the Argentine Republic (CIARA) and the Cereal Exporters Center (CEC), said that “the world changed, today Europe is still important, but 65 percent of Argentine exports are to Southeast Asia. We must be able to export products in greater quantity and with a higher level of processing ”.
As a corollary, Agustín Dranovsky, CEO of Grupo Benetton, said: “One of the pillars of competitiveness is cooperation, and no chamber or company can work back to the State and vice versa. We must promote policies that help align objectives that benefit all sectors. ”
The second panel presented a talk debate between protagonists of the agricultural system on “Sustainable production and producers”.
Alejandro Petek, agricultural producer and President of Aapresid, shared a brief overview related to his sector: “At AAPRESID we understand that we must work to meet the goals of quality production and care of the environment, in addition to linking better with a society that asks us work and good products ”.
With a strictly pragmatic vision, Víctor Escalas, President of SpeedAgro, expressed his wishes in relation to the policies that the next Government will adopt: “I hope that everything that was done well will not be neglected and that no more withholding will be applied to agriculture, since it directly affects our competitiveness. Instead I hope that the financing for the sector will improve significantly ”.
The closing of the panel was in charge of Laura Loizeau, Vice President of LIDE Agribusiness: "We should not allow governments to set the agenda only on the issues they know they can solve, leaving aside more difficult issues to solve." He added: "We must take full advantage of new technologies to see how we add more value to what we have been doing very well for a long time".
Automatic translation from spanish.