Did soy give as much as it could or can we still expect more from it? This concern was taken up at the recent Acsoja Gustavo Grobocopatel congress, which, in addition to being a producer and entrepreneur, is recognized as a reflective protagonist on the evolution of soy in terms of chain.
In that sense, Grobocopatel put on the table of analysis different novelties "from the genetic edition that is leaving in the background the discussion on transgénicos", until the commercialization and the management much more digitized, of the hand of the Blockchain and the e-commerce.

Starting, he recalled that Raúl Prebisch, famous economist of the middle of the last century, considered "impossible to grow agricultural production". He said that "the productive future is in the rotation with livestock ..." With respect to what was then believed - not only Prebisch but the whole society - Grobocopatel put in consideration that then came another paradigm, the Green Revolution, and Direct Sowing and biotechnology were added, a development of only 25 years. Thus he invited to think that soon there may be other paradigms much more interesting...
He warned that, particularly in Argentina, due to the difficulties of the conjuncture, "we are more attentive to tackle the day-to-day penalties than to build the paradigm that is coming, which looks impressive".
And as an optimistic invitation, he considered that "what's coming will be fun, and we do not have to miss the train ... You do not have to be a lost patrol that anticipates 5 years, but you can not get there a year ago, because companies that they do not rise at the opportune moment will be displaced by others ... Those that will take advantage will be the pioneers. The challenge is if we are going to be protagonists or consumers".
He said that "if we met a 2-3% increase in productivity per year, we must prepare for other incredible improvements, especially on the side of cost reduction." He is convinced that the genetic edition democratizes access to technology, generates a notable increase in supply. "We are going to have INTA in our fields," he metaphorized.
He also spoke of "seeds ready to use and of a postgranary agriculture, that will serve to produce with other utilities". On the radar of what is in sight, he cited "the untractorization, which can be an opportunity for Argentine manufacturers of agricultural machinery" and the "uberization of transport" He did not lose sight of the effects on the entire economy. In this regard, he quoted a manager of an automotive multinational based in Argentina, who assured him that they could not have developed as one of the most competitive companies in the country "without soy."
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Automatic translation from spanish.